What began nationwide as a reaction to President Obama’s radical agenda, the Tea Party Movement is now a proactive call to return the Republican Party to it’s conservative roots.  Even here in liberal New York State the Tea Party Movement is alive and well.  No longer are New York Republicans content to be Democrat lite in order to get their candidates elected.  They want real conservatives.

The best example of this is the Tea Party’s endorsement of gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino.  This race that’s down to the wire has become IMHO the fight to save The Republican Party in New York State.

Here’s the story from YNN Albany

At the risk of turning my blog into a far right echo chamber, here is my fav blogger Pam Geller quoting one of her favorites saying whaT NEEDS TO BE SAID nine years after 9-11.

“If only the fantasy were true: If only there actually were a dominant, pro-American, echt moderate Islam, an ideology so dedicated to human rights, so sternly set against savagery, that acts of terrorism were, by definition, ‘un-Islamic activity.’ “

Hold a Bonfire on 9-11

September 9, 2010

Don’t burn any books on 9-11, fire up your heart instead. Hold a prayer vigil and a fast for the church in America.

Who knows where we are in God’s timetable. A couple more 9-11 types disasters add a few hurricanes and a good earthquake, bye bye USA.

I pray it never happens for the sake of our children, but what would we do? Dare we think we’re immune to such things here.

Picture riots and martial law everywhere as Washington DC burns. Imagine mobs trampling on all our sacred documents with the capital in ruins.

I love this country and I pray God will spare us once again.

But all of you who know history and who study your bible know that anything is possible.

Will we be ready as a church for what happens?

Since I’m not a Sean Hannity wanna be, I have no problem posting a clarification or even a retraction of sorts, regarding my last post.

I do not believe that every single person involved in the modern peace movement is a God hating atheist or a USA hating communist.  But I do get the distinct impression that the organizers behind it all, are.

On the other hand if my fellow Evangelicals have any hope of reaching outsiders who are liberals, or peace marchers, or even anarchists, (And Jesus did say go into ALL the world) then we’d better make sure whenever possible our churches stay right out of politics altogether.

We need to stay as far as we can from pinheads like this group in Florida who are having a “Burn the Koran” day.  Our Lord said “Love your enemies,” not pick a fight with them.


And we Evangelicals need to disassociate ourselves from people like those jack wagons who showed up at U Albany last year (or was it the year before?) with signs that had stuff like “God Hates Gays” on them.  That got me so upset I almost showed up on campus dressed in drag carrying a super soaker!

(Do I want to post this?  YEAH!  I do)

Time to Brag!

April 25, 2010

It’s always good when I have something to brag about instead of my usual whining moaning and groaning!

Last Thursday we were treated to The City Wide Chorus sponsored by The Schenectady Friends of Music.

Of course it helps that our daughter was involved in the elementary school portion of the program!

But it was also a treat to hear The Middle School Chorus and The High School Chorus because they were really really good!

Mega kudos to all the teachers and volunteers involved because they all did a fantastic job!

The YNN Tea Party Report

April 17, 2010

Here’s the way Time Warner Cable’s “Your News Now” covered today’s Tea Party in downtown Albany.   (Click on picture)

For the most part their coverage was positive except when presenting an opposing view they always go for the most inflammatory.  That would be former President’s Clinton remark comparing Tea Party protesters to the terrorists who caused the Oklahoma City bombings.


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Are U Still Praying?

April 8, 2010

Remember way back in the summer of 2K06 when they were lining up with everyone to run for president?

In the coming months we’re really going to start hearing about real exploratory committees from people really throwing their hat in the ring against Obama.

It’s  still a long wait until there’s an official announcement from anyone, but now’s the time when allot of things are happening behind the scenes.  And politics junkies and pundits know it.  The vultures are always circling.

So are you still praying for your favorite?

Because before we know it the rumors will end and the rubber will really meet the road.

We all see the ground swell with the Tea Party’s and the Tea Party backlash.

Soon we’ll know if conservatives will really have a voice in The Republican Party or if it’s time to jump ship and create a legitimate conservative 3rd party.

I’m praying the GOP will step up to the plate and return to it’s roots.

If not, I’m hoping we’ll get a third party so good even the far far far right Ron Paul people and even the Constitution Party will like it.

That’s what I’m praying for anyway.

Who let the Pigs IN!!!

March 19, 2010

Never mind who let the dogs out!

Who let the pigs in?  Who threw their pearls to the swine?

As in,who let the pigs  into the church so that people with a malevolent agenda could film children and children ministry leaders in some very intimate deeply spiritual moments!!!

I’m talking about one of the most inspirational films I’ve ever seen. It’s inspiring because it totally torqued me off! There is smoke pouring from my nostrils and fire balls over my head!

“Jesus Camp,” is an evil twisted movie that takes the precious innocence of child like faith and makes it out to be something like Hitler’s Youth Program or Mao’s Cultural Revolution.

It looks like some well meaning Christian leaders were conned into letting this serpent, film their youth camp. They of course only show the most controversial radical moments.

So, I’m inspired and proud of all the all the kids in the film and the youth director who got scammed by this snake in the grass film maker.

I wish I could send my kids to a camp like the one in this movie.

If you have NETFLIX on line you can get the documentary “Jesus Camp” on demand.

Just be prepared to be torqued off if you’re an evangelical Christian!

I Hope I’m Wrong

March 4, 2010

Now that David Patterson says he won’t seek a full term, that leaves GOP candidate Rick Lazio as the only one running for the New York Governor’s seat.

Of course everyone knows State Comptroller Andrew Cuomo is going to be running and he’ll get an easy Democratic nomination.   And more than likely Cuomo will cruise on to win the general election.

But then again you never know.

After all this has been a strange year for politics.

So like I said,


It’s the trial of the century as far as the City of Schenectady is concerned. The jury selection process has begun in the case of Steve Raucci former Bulding Services Director of the Schenectady School District. He’s facing 26 charges of arson and even terrorism.

(Hat Tip Daily Gazette)

Photo of

From left, School Superintendent, Eric Ely, School District Lawyer Shari Greenleaf and former
School Board President, Jeff Janiszewski.

Today the list of witnesses was red and it’s a who’s who of people working for the school district, former and current.  The most interesting name is Superintendent Eric Ely who  according to The Daily Gazette is looking for another position anywhere in the country.  That’s not a good sign for him is it?